The starting point: renewing the resume
I have always been asked if I like to complicate my life. That’s true when, after the need to renew my resume, I decided to set up a personal website. But not just any personal website, but a website based entirely on static engine, which also allowed me to write in Markdown, had two selectable languages, two selectable visual themes as well, adaptable to any device…
From Astro to Pixelmorphism
And then came Astro, a very powerful Javascript framework that allows you to ‘easily’ do just what I had initially imagined: a static web application but without disregarding its contentful character, that is, full of content. Oh, and it supported Markdown out of the box, which was a great pleasure for me!
Quickly, I got on with it. I started to think about a personality to give to my personal site, and to conceive components that I would later use to build the layouts of the different pages. Although… there are few pages. Rather, there are three: Home with several sections, to give the effect of several pages, in the purest one page style, Blog, which acts as a container for paginated posts and, well, the page to show the error 404, which simply does its function.
These components are styled using TailwindCSS, although some of them are taken from their DaisyUI component library, although they have my touch of craftsmanship. This styling, which mixes the purest glassmorphism of the 2000’s with pixel art and neon colours, I’ve named it Pixelmorphism, and it will serve as the basis for this site. For the time being ;-)
Wait… what about the comment system?
If you’ve been keeping an eye out, you’ll have noticed that under each post there’s a little box to post reactions and comments. How is that possible on a purely static website? Doesn’t its interface - and the requirement to log in with GitHub - give you a clue? ;-)
Indeed it does. It’s Giscus, a powerful commenting system conceived through GitHub and which, frankly, I was delighted to implement in this blog. It offers possibilities that would have been unimaginable a few years ago, and for free!
Maybe one day I’ll expand this post, which is a bit shorter than I imagined, so why don’t you give me some ideas by leaving me a comment?
We’ll read each other!